inspirational quotes and sayings about

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  • knightlie
    Mar 29, 01:01 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    What did you think they would do, rummage through all the non-app store apps on the Mac platform? Lol, some people are ridiculous.

    They rummaged through non-App Store apps two years ago, but back then there wasn't a 30% cut in it for them.

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  • kayno
    Apr 16, 01:02 PM

    Agree its a fake.. but its also my prediction of what the new phone would look like.. however its missing the black plastic peice as seen in the 3G iPad..

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  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 10:25 AM
    I see where you going wlh99, and don't worry.. my full intention is to learn, not to get code from all of you. Many people in this thread underestimate my knowledge of objective C (and I understand why, I got lost with the pointers). I have 2 1/2 months since I started development and had 0 idea of the language or programming (I was a Pastry Chef actually :D, which is the name of my first app).

    Believe me when I tell you that I know what's going on with my code. I'm aware that If you release an object that it doesn't exist you'll get an exception every time.

    Making it work is a lot less important than knowing how to do it, for future work.

    Back to the Code, let me go give it try.. b-back


    Ok, it doesn't crash now but timer still won't restart. I'm going to create another timer object (not pointer, I'll use the same pointer). I get this idea that I can't reuse or reset the same timer over again (invalidating and releasing it only pauses the timer). Wish me luck :)

    inspirational quotes and sayings about. Spend alot of time looking for
  • Spend alot of time looking for

  • TrulyYuki
    Apr 6, 12:44 PM
    where did you get those? Did you make them?
    My mom and I would love some!
    We already have those rubber bracelets but we have very tiny wrists.


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  • quagmire
    Jul 27, 11:25 AM
    Chevrolet announced the Volt will be priced at $41,000 before tax credits. You can choose to lease it for $350/month.

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  • Links
    Aug 9, 07:00 PM
    Mine is 2A6241XXXXX
    manufacture date: June 2006
    Thanks stoid, Just trying to determine when the specs actually changed,
    RATHER than when Apple decided to announced the changes.
    Must have been before August 7 2006 when they were "updated".

    It looks terrific, no problems so far.
    Just want to be sure I have the "latest and greatest" right?


    inspirational quotes and sayings about. life. inspirational
  • life. inspirational

  • mac17
    Jan 8, 12:31 PM
    I believe with QT Pro, you can save files such as those. Actually... might try it now lol

    if it works let me know how.

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  • JPyre
    Apr 15, 12:29 PM
    I call BS on this, Johnnie Ive wouldn't make a non rounded design like that, the lines are too harsh.


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  • Aniej
    Jan 5, 02:54 PM
    and old school would mean what on an apple II with 3D glasses?

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  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 3, 09:05 PM
    A friend of mine works with the Xbox support team. I'll ask him if there's anything (legal) that they can do. You have my admiration for your good detective work!

    That would be great. I'm sure there must be SOMETHING they can do.


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  • 840quadra
    Nov 24, 07:03 AM
    Well I went to the Mall of America Apple Store (Bloomington Minnesota) that opened at 6am CST, bought a Macbook, and have since returned home.

    I was the first person in the store at the register, and the 1st to buy a computer today at that store :)

    I got the C2D 1.83 GHZ (Base model ;) ) for $1062.87 out the door :) .

    inspirational quotes and sayings about. inspirational quotes
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  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 12:26 PM
    I think its the kid's responsibility here. The OP had every intention of paying for his purchase, but the cashier dropped the ball big time. When you take on a job, you assume the responsibilities that come with it. Making a mistake that big will have consequences. I would hate to have someone that makes mistakes like that working for me.

    Hogwash. The cashier made a mistake. At the moment the mistake was made ONE party knew about it and one didn't. The OP, who knew that a mistake had been made said nothing about it. He should have. People can defend this guy all they want, but the fact of the matter is that he deserves the flames he's getting. An ethical person would have said "you forgot to charge my card" and paid the outstanding balance.


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  • PhoneyDeveloper
    Apr 26, 10:22 PM
    Nekbeth, you didn't thank Philip Endecott, who posted the solution to your problem on the Apple forum about three hours before wlh99 posted essentially the same solution here.

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  • the future
    Sep 12, 08:09 AM
    I thought tht too, but there's already a section on the page for trailer. Just about the iTunes Videos

    Yeah, and also the movie trailers are for current and upcoming films, but those two films (Transporter 2 and Red Eye) are long out of theaters and already released on DVD!


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  • Yannick
    Oct 17, 09:39 AM
    To me, it would be good news that Apple supports both HD-DVD and BD.

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  • Willis
    Sep 12, 05:09 AM
    6pm BST, on what channel? :p


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  • Mord
    Apr 26, 09:04 AM
    Whilst the company shouldn't say 'if you see any fights, jump in the middle of them', those employees should know full well that it isn't ok to watch and laugh as someone is getting the tish kicked out of them! Who was the man in the Blue shirt at the start of the video? he tried to break it up at first but seemed to then let it carry on.

    I believe that was the manager, I don't know for sure. He walked a thin line IMO.

    This guy was more than capable of defending himself...

    As rdowns says, your attitude is simply offensive and is wearing incredibly thin. Have you even watched the video? The victim was not a man, did not have a male physique and was not capable of defending herself. You're just offensive for the sake of being offensive at this point.

    inspirational quotes and sayings about. inspirational quotes and
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  • Rot'nApple
    Mar 24, 11:02 PM
    Now I feel really old with all this OS X ten celebrations! Doesn't help that I started with System 6.....

    System 7 version for me and my FIRST EVER computer, a Performa 6200CD my friend and I purchased on August 15, 1995 as we were the only two "Thinking Different" in our local CompUSA store at midnight amongst all the exuberant Windows people getting their Windows 95 OS... Then 8.6 with my PowerMac Blue and White G3 tower, then OS X Tiger 10.4 with my FIRST INTEL CHIP IN A MAC EVER, 24" White iMac, and then with my MacBook Air, FIRST LAPTOP EVER, the second gen, with OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard, and iOS 3.2 to 4.3 iPad first gen 3G 64 GB, and maybe iPhone 5, we'll see but definitely looking forward of the further demo of OS X 10.7 Lion... Ah the memories... Thanks again Apple and Happy Birthday, again, OS X. :apple:

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  • troop231
    Apr 15, 08:35 PM
    Why not carbon fiber for the case, it'd be cool, and the signals would pass through the case with ease :)

    Apr 11, 01:25 AM
    Similar tastes...I have the 23" and M10's as well. But where did you find black Swans?...unless it's painted after the fact

    Lockware Systems (

    Have you posted your setup before?
    Mac Setup: Past & Present (Part 14) (
    If you have a picture of your setup and don't mind sharing it, I would love to see the two together.

    Mar 28, 06:51 PM
    makes no difference if it's an Mac Appstore design award or just Apple design award, they'll just choose the winner from the Appstore.

    May 2, 02:05 PM
    Not again... The database in question is NOT used by Apple to actively track users. It's a local cache on your phone, sent to you from Apple. This database serves a legitimate purpose on your phone to improve the performance of location services.
    The issue is that this DB can be used by others (not Apple) to gain in-site into your relative location over time. Technically I wouldn't even call this a 'bug' since it's working as designed. However it is a serious oversight on Apples part.

    FTR - Apple does collect location data from your phone (assuming you opted-in). This tracking is done via entirely different process than is being discussed. active tracking means real time reporting, the data base is just to record it, they can say they erase the data base on your device but that does not mean they did not record it on their side, its like firefox says in their agreement, regardless of private browsing, the ISP can still record the traffic and know what websites and all you been looking at, search engines can even help them find words that match their desired character, whats strange to me is what this article says,

    Doctor Q
    Jan 5, 08:35 PM
    Although the data transferred may be the same or more with on-demand streams, when it's live there will be much higher simultaneous usage. With high-end hosting in general, simultaneous usage is the killer and not really total bandwidth usage. With the popularity of Apple these days the number of simultaneous streams could be extremely high (I mean, if MacRumors gets 100,000 visitors simultaneously think what Apple would get themselves).If they tried to offer a live audio stream, would that produce the same simultaneous usage problem, even though the bandwidth would be reduced?

    Apr 3, 09:13 PM
    For any realistic chance of getting Microsoft to help you, you need to carry out a lawsuit.

    So pawn shop people have been renting this home? Kind of odd.

    Nah, the guy who used to rent the house used to pawn a lot of stuff. The address was on file with several pawn shops in the area as his residence.

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